Is Blue Apron Cheap Enough for Your College Budget?

By Vin Lee

It’s no mystery that college students live on a tight budget. Even if you don’t have it written down somewhere, your negative balance on your debit card or your bill-less wallet will find a way to remind you of your reality. But no matter how empty our pockets are, you need to eat.

If you have access to a stove top (or a hot plate) and an oven on a occasion, and you spend at least $10/day on food, then meet your new BFF, Blue Apron.
Blue Apron is a delivery service that sends you all the ingredients (minus salt, pepper, and olive oil) you need to prepare at least 6-8 meals a week. Also included in your package are recipe cards with very easy to follow step-by-step directions. Your food arrives in a box sandwiched between 2 blocks of ice, keeping you food cold until you are ready to unpack and transfer to your fridge. Then, when you are ready to eat, all you need is 10-20 minutes to prepare each meal, and within the hour you could be enjoying a meal that tastes like your parents are in town treating you out to dinner.

Don’t believe me, try them out for free using this link, and then you decide for yourself.

Get the 2-person plan* - $59.94/week for 3 meals that serve 2 people. That’s at least 6 meals for lunch/dinner for you only, and if you have leftovers, it can stretch up to 8 or 9 meals.

For breakfast, spend $10 a week on oatmeal, yogurt, cereal, and/or fruit. Total cost to you, $69.94.
*If you have a roommate who wants to join in, get the family plan and split in half.

  • If money is tight, skip your delivery as much as you want with no hassle
  • You don’t have to know how to cook, just how to follow instructions
  • You are eating healthy in college - your parents would be proud
  • You get to pick the day of the week you receive your delivery
  • Get fresh food weekly without going to the grocery store
  • Shipping is free

  • In my opinion, NONE. Just do it.

Keep your fruits and vegetables fresh at least 1-2 weeks longer than normal for $20/year with Bluapple (NOT affiliated with Blue Apron).

BTW, this is NOT a PAID endorsement. I signed-up back in September 2015 and haven't looked by since. I'm currently approaching my 250th meal!

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