NASA Student Airborne Research Program

NASA Student Airborne Research Program and Jobs
NASA Student Airborne Research Program gives junior and senior undergraduate college students hands-on research experience in Earth science. The eight-week program runs from June to August and includes a stipend, full travel and living expenses and a food allowance.

Students selected for the program will participate in a scientific project that includes everything from planning to presentation. They will work in teams and study surface, atmospheric, and oceanographic processes. They will collect data at field sites and learn how to operate instruments on a DC-8 research aircraft.

The research experience will increase students' knowledge on how to sample and measure atmospheric gases and image land and water surfaces in multiple spectral bands. They will learn from faculty and staff across several universities as well as experts from NASA centers and from flight operations and engineering personnel at NASA.

Eligible students must have excellent academics, leadership skills, and a strong interest in Earth system science and research. They must be full-time students attending an accredited U.S. college or university. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. To apply, students may email their application form along with a college transcript, resume and letters of recommendation.

The program is offered by the The National Suborbital Education and Research Center (NSERC), created through a cooperative agreement between NASA and the University of North Dakota.

The location is usually in CALIFORNIA.

To apply for an internship, visit:

To apply for a job, visit:

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