Internships on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Internships and Jobs
LinkedIn is a social networking website for people in professional occupations who are looking for internships and jobs. The professional networking site was founded in 2002 and is a great source for students to find internships.

Students looking for internships may search through LinkedIn's Student Jobs Portal for students jobs and internships. Students are LinkedIn's fastest growing segment and hundreds of jobs are posted daily. The site currently lists over 700 entry-level jobs and internships for CyberCoders, an industrial equipment manufacturer in the U.S. and Europe, over 600 entry-level jobs and internships at Deloitte, and almost 800 at IBM.

Students may search on the site by location, company or job function. The site also includes a "Recent Opportunities" section that features current openings, and a "Companies Looking to Hire" section that highlights several well-known employers. Students may also use the site to set up their profile, establish job search criteria and notices, and network with other professionals in their field of interest.

LinkedIn has more than 259 million users in more than 200 countries and territories. The web site gives current students a valuable tool for job searching for internships, entry-level students jobs and permanent job opportunities after graduation.

The location VARIES.

To apply for an internship, visit:

To apply for a job, visit:

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